The Master Gardener program began in the 1970's in response to the many gardening questions that resulted from the rapidly increasing level of interest in home gardening. The idea was to train knowledgeable gardener volunteers to help University Extension staff deliver home gardening information to the public.

Our local Master Gardeners are able to build on their interests and acquire greater expertise through the resources available through the Extension Service and the University of Missouri.

University of Missouri Extension provides equal opportunity to all participants in extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or status as a protected veteran.

Hickory County Master Gardeners recommend contacting your local Extension Service for more complete plant and growing information and how to become a Master Gardener.

Meetings are reserved for Master Gardener members, but community programs hosted by the Master Gardeners are public events and will be announced in the local newspaper.

As of 12/31/2014, this blog will no longer post new articles. It will remain active as an archive. Please use the tools available in the right column to search for information and source links provided in previous articles.


Food Harvest

One day's pickings from the Donation Garden
2014 was another great year for the Hickory County Master Gardeners Donation Garden located behind the McCarty Senior Center, Wheatland, Missouri.  There are about six regular volunteers that work at least a half day each Wednesday in season.

All the food harvested is donated to the McCarty Senior Center for use in the daily meals and for the Meals on Wheels program that delivers food to qualified homebound individuals.  The area gardened has grown in 2014 and so has the quantity of vegetables.  Here are the totals for 2014:

1.  Bell Peppers………………292 lbs.
2.  Blackberries………………….4 lbs.
3.  Carrots……………………….8 lbs.
4.  Cucumbers………………...458 lbs.
5.  Jalepenos……………………44 lbs.
6.  Lettuce………………………16 lbs.
7.  Okra………………………….4 lbs.
8.  Onions………………………11 lbs.
9.  Radishes……………………...3 lbs.
10. Spinach………………………9 lbs.
11. Sweet Potatoes…………….892 lbs.
12. Tomatoes…………………..249 lbs.
13. Zucchini……………………213 lbs.

Total……………………………2206 lbs.

Donation Garden and Greenhouse 

Posted:  11/14/2014

Final Harvest Before Hard Freeze

The Trick was a hard freeze on Halloween night but the Treat was that much was harvested the day before - Chives, Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley, Cilantro, Tarragon, Peppers, Spinach, Green Tomatoes.  Zinnias were the best cut flowers this time of year.  

22 degrees the morning of November 1, 2014 was too cold for most plants.  Our frost date is October 15th each year but there was no frost before this hard freeze.  Leeks and Carrots will do well in the ground and pulled up as needed.  Spinach was planted as a fall crop.  Harvesting all but the smallest leaves will allow the root to maintain and produce a fresh crop in early April.

Frozen Zinnia…too bad I couldn't cut all the beautiful flowers in my yard before the hard freeze but I sure filled a lot of vases in my house with zinnias!  There are still a few blooming plants alive outside such as mums and blanket flowers.  Petunias have done well in past years but I didn't plant any this fall.

The Food Dehydrator is the most controlled method for drying.  The house sure smells great on drying day!  The red peppers do well by threading a needle and "sewing" each pepper on a 2-3' thread to hang anywhere in your kitchen.  Then they can be removed to a jar to last longer.

Excess Herbs can be tied to a string or loosely stuffed into a mesh bag and hung in an airy place like a carport out of the sun for a few days.  Sometimes this works and sometimes the humidity and temperature varies too much for success.  Oven or microwave drying can work too but has some limitations such as good air circulation and even temperatures that would need a lot of attention to maintain.
Peppers are very easy to freeze as they do not require blanching like most vegetables.  Just clean, wash well, pat dry, and slice or dice before laying on wax paper lined cookie sheet.  They will freeze overnight.  I like to wash and dry herbs before drying/freezing but some say that washing is not necessary.  I always freeze some herbs on their branch such as thyme, rosemary, and keep sage whole leaf; just place in freezer bags as they will be easy to separate.  Spinach must be blanched and then placed in freezer bags and used in recipes that call for cooked spinach.  The green tomatoes were fried up and ate over the next couple days…yum!

There is much information available from the University of Missouri Extension about preserving fruits and vegetables produced in your gardens or obtained from local Farmer's Markets in season.  I have been using this wonderful source since 1978.

Source:  Beti Pearson, Hickory County Master Gardener and Missouri Master Naturalist,
University of Missouri Extension:
Growing Herbs at Home
Freezing Vegetables

Posted:  11/7/2014

To-Do List For November


~Continue watering evergreens until the ground freezes. Soils must not be dry when winter arrives.
~Now is the ideal time to plant trees and shrubs. Before digging the hole, prepare the site by loosening the soil well beyond the drip line of each plant. Plant trees and shrubs at the depth they grew in the nursery and not deeper. Remove all wires, ropes and non-biodegradable materials from roots before back filling. Apply a 2-3 inch mulch layer, but stay several inches away from the trunk. Keep the soil moist, not wet, to the depth of the roots.
~Remove the spent flowers and foliage of perennials after they are damaged by frost.
~Newly planted broad-leaf evergreens such as azaleas, boxwood and hollies benefit from a burlap screen for winter wind protection. Set screen stakes in place before the ground freezes.
~Now is a good time to observe and choose nursery stock based on fall foliage interest.
~Plant tulips now.
~Mums can be cut back to within several inches of the ground once flowering ends. After the ground freezes, apply a 2 to 3 inch layer of loose mulch such as pine needles, straw or leaves.
~Mulch flower and bulb beds after the ground freezes, to prevent injury to plants from frost heaving.
~Roses should be winterized after a heavy frost. Place a 6 to 10-inch deep layer of mulch over each plant. Top soil works best. Prune sparingly, just enough to shorten overly long canes. Climbers should not be pruned at this time.
~Take steps to prevent garden pools from freezing solid in winter. Covering pools with an insulating material or floating a stock tank water heater in the pond will lessen the chance of ice damage.

~Covering garden pools with bird netting will prevent leaves from fouling the water. Oxygen depletion from rotting organic matter can cause winter kill of pond fish.

~Fall tilling the vegetable garden exposes many insect pests to winter cold, reducing their numbers in next year's garden.
~Any unused, finished compost is best tilled under to improve garden soils.
~To prevent insects or diseases from overwintering in the garden, remove and compost all plant debris.
~Overcrowded or unproductive rhubarb plants can be divided now.
~Root crops such as carrots, radishes, turnips and Jerusalem artichokes store well outdoors in the ground. Just before the ground freezes, bury these crops under a deep layer of leaves or straw. Harvest as needed during winter by pulling back this protective mulch.
~For Thanksgiving, weave a holiday wreath of garlic, onions, chili peppers and herbs. It will make a gourmet gift for a lucky friend.

~Keep mulches pulled back several inches from the base of fruit trees to prevent bark injury from hungry mice and other rodents.
~Harvest pecans when they start to drop from trees. Shake nuts onto tarps laid on the ground.
~Fallen, spoiled or mummified fruits should be cleaned up from the garden and destroyed by burying.
~A dilute whitewash made from equal parts interior white latex paint and water applied to the southwest side of young fruit trees will prevent winter sun scald injury.
Commercial tree guards or protective collars made of 18-inch high hardware cloth will prevent trunk injury to fruit trees from gnawing rabbits and rodents.  

~Mulch strawberries for winter with straw. This should be done after several nights near 20 degrees, but before temperatures drop into the teens. Apply straw loosely, but thick enough to hide plants from view.

~Now is a good time to collect soil samples to test for pH and nutritional levels.
~Roll up and store garden hoses on a warm, sunny day. It's hard to get a cold hose to coil into a tight loop.
~To prevent injury to turf grasses, keep leaves raked up off of the lawn.
~Continue mowing lawn grasses as long as they keep growing.
~A final fall application of fertilizer can be applied to bluegrass and fescue lawns now.
~Clean house gutters of leaves and fallen debris before cold wet weather sets in.
~Set up bird feeders. Birds appreciate a source of unfrozen drinking water during the winter.
~Be sure to shut off and drain any outdoor water pipes or irrigation systems that may freeze during cold weather.
~For cyclamen to bloom well indoors, they need cool temperatures in the 50-60 degree range, bright light, evenly moist soils, and regular fertilization.
~Reduce or eliminate fertilizing of houseplants until spring.

Source:  Missouri Botanical Gardens
Posted 11/2/2014