The Master Gardener program began in the 1970's in response to the many gardening questions that resulted from the rapidly increasing level of interest in home gardening. The idea was to train knowledgeable gardener volunteers to help University Extension staff deliver home gardening information to the public.

Our local Master Gardeners are able to build on their interests and acquire greater expertise through the resources available through the Extension Service and the University of Missouri.

University of Missouri Extension provides equal opportunity to all participants in extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or status as a protected veteran.

Hickory County Master Gardeners recommend contacting your local Extension Service for more complete plant and growing information and how to become a Master Gardener.

Meetings are reserved for Master Gardener members, but community programs hosted by the Master Gardeners are public events and will be announced in the local newspaper.

As of 12/31/2014, this blog will no longer post new articles. It will remain active as an archive. Please use the tools available in the right column to search for information and source links provided in previous articles.


2014 HCMG Fundraising Dinner

The Annual Hickory County Master Gardeners' Fundraiser Dinner was held Sunday, October 19th at the McCarty Senior Center in Wheatland, Missouri.  This is one of two events held each year to raise funds to support 14 Service Projects throughout Hickory County.  The 40+ trained volunteers put in a total of at least 1000 hours to promote the University of Missouri Extension's program to "help others learn to grow" and the beautification of public areas with plants, as well as grow vegetables to be used in the community senior center and Meals on Wheels program for qualified individuals.  The other main fundraising project is the Annual Plant Sale where Master Gardeners grow plants in the Greenhouse to sell to the public each spring.

The Service Projects in 2014 are:

1.    Galmey VFW
2.    Greenhouse
3.    Hermitage Community Building
4.    Hermitage Courthouse
5.    Hermitage Library
6.    Hermitage Hornet Garden
7.    Hermitage Welcome Signs
8.    McCarty Donation Gardens
9.    McCarty Senior Center Landscaping
10.  Pittsburg Community Building
11.  Preston Post Office
12.  Wheatland Settler's Village
13.  Weaubleau Memorial Garden
14.  Gardeners Companion Blog

Succulent Pumpkin Planters on a Quilt Square were creatively made by our Master Gardeners and used as centerpieces on all the tables.  The person at each table whose birthday was closest to the day got to take one home.

The annual event was well attended by the community from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Hickory County Master Gardeners worked all year on a quilt which included selling raffle tickets.  Last chance to buy a ticket was at the front door where dinner tickets were sold. The dinner ticket was also good for entry to win one of several nice door prizes. This year's crafted quilt was machine quilted 86"x96" 100% cotton fabric by Moda in a pattern appropriately called "Garden Party."

Hickory County Master Gardeners are known for their delicious home baked desserts and there was a wonderful selection again this year!

Dinner was prepared and served by Chef Mark of the McCarty Senior Center featuring fried chicken, baked ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, rolls and salad.  Chef Mark receives the large quantities of vegetables produced each year from the Master Gardeners' Donation Garden located just outside the kitchen back door.

There was a Silent Auction table that contained items donated by the Master Gardeners.

Master Gardeners also donated items for Door Prizes.

The winner of the Garden Party quilt raffle was Doris Hutton.

Hickory County Master Gardeners that volunteered their services for the annual dinner would like to give a big THANK YOU for all the support from the community in 2014!  Hope to see you all again next year!
Posted:  10/26/2014


Prune Nothing in the Fall!

There's something about this time of the year that makes people crave pruning more than vampires yearn for blood. Don't allow the Halloween goblins to get to you! 

With fall garden cleanup in full swing, maybe it's all the raking and mulching that has people going for the sharp tools! 

Fall is not the right time to trim trees and shrubs, even though the fallen leaves have exposed all their imperfections. That's right, put your pruning shears back in the shed for at least a month or so.

Here are some pruning basics, to be used when it's a safer time to trim back trees and shrubs:
• Understand why fall is not prime time for pruning. Pruning them now stimulates new growth just when the plants are trying to go dormant, and this severely weakens the plants. If you prune on a warm day, sap rises up into the plant. Then, it drops below freezing that night and major damage can happen.
Instead, prune in the dead of winter or in early spring. That's if you can't stop yourself. Spring bloomers can get a haircut right after they finish flowering. Few plants other than fruit trees actually require it, and most gardeners do too much, not too little.
Still, proper pruning of overgrown flowering shrubs or fruit trees near your house will help the plants produce more flowers and fruit, which can also benefit wildlife. Doing it wisely can also help trees and shrubs give diseases and pests the cold shoulder. Just remember…don't do it in the fall! Waiting until winter means that most woody plants are dormant, and because leaves have already fallen, it makes it easier for you to see what you're doing. For early spring bloomers (like lilacs and spireas) that only need light pruning, prune them just after they finish blooming. For very overgrown deciduous shrubs, winter pruning is probably best.
• Don't prune when it's wet. As a general rule of thumb, don't prune when it's damp outside. "Absolutely, do not prune if it's wet out, it spreads a lot of diseases," explains horticulturist April Johnson, landscape coordinator at the Rodale Institute. Damp weather encourages the growth of microbes that will make the most of the damage your pruning does. "Wait until the sun's out for a little while; it dries out and kills mold and bacteria," she says.
• Know how to hack. Pruning can allow more sunlight and air to filter through the trees and shrubs, which can help keep them healthy. When it's time to prune, focus first on removing dead or dying branches. If you see a sickly branch, cut between the diseased spot and the body of the plant. Johnson also recommends pruning when branches rub or cross each other (cut the smaller branch off), or if a branch is growing vertically. You can also take off really low branches that could interfere with foot traffic or lawnmowers. Cut the branch as close to the source as you can. "I prefer to prune back to the main stem. If you leave a stub sticking out, it's an area for bacteria and insects to harbor," says Johnson. And make sure you cut at the same angle as the branch collar—the furrow of bark where branch and trunk meet. If you’ve done it right, a circle of healthy callus will eventually swell around the spot.
• Know what to hack. According to Organic Gardening magazine, there is a long list of trees and shrubs that you can prune from winter until the sap starts flowing again in spring. Some of them include: glossy abelia, beauty berries, hydrangeas, Bradford and Callory pears, crabapples, poplar, spruce, junipers, sumacs, cherries, and plums. However, because some trees can ooze sap when pruned in the winter, you're better off waiting until the summer to prune maples, birches, dogwoods, walnuts, and elm trees.
• Keep tools clean. Johnson says she prefers Felco Classic Manual Hand Pruner #F-2, and also uses hand-folding saws. No matter what type of pruning tools you decide to use, make sure you keep them clean. If you've cut out diseased branches, make sure you clean the tools thoroughly before moving on to another tree, to avoid spreading disease. Johnson says you can disinfect the tools by using just a teaspoon or two of bleach in warm water. Hot, soapy water also kills most germs. Remember to dry tools well after washing, too. And if you can't trim from the ground using pole pruners, or if there's any pruning to be done near power lines, make sure you hire a professional instead of climbing high and taking on the dangerous task yourself.
• Do your homework.  For more specific information on the trees and shrubs growing in your backyard, tap the brains of master gardeners involved with your local extension service, peruse for free info, or buy Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening and Landscaping Techniques, or borrow it from your local library.

Area homeowners can get information on tree pruning at a Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) tree pruning workshop at 3 p.m., Oct. 18 at the MDC Office in El Dorado Springs. The office is located at 1109 S. Main St. in El Dorado Springs.
Missouri Department of Conservation foresters will share tips on selecting proper tools and what are the best methods that will help you avoid future problems.
Registration is requested, but not required. To register or to get more information, call the MDC offices in El Dorado Springs (417-875-5792) or Joplin (417-629-3423). People can also e-mail MDC Urban Forester Jon Skinner at

Sources:  Rodale News and 

Missouri Extension Publications:

Pruning Ornamental Shrubs

Fall Gardening Workshop in Kimberling City, MO

This workshop was put on by the Master Gardeners of the Ozarks through the Taney and Stone County University of Missouri Extension.   It is the 11th Annual Fall Gardening Workshop and was well attended at the Shepard of the Hills Lutheran Church in Kimberling City, Missouri.  The level of professionalism and dedication of the members of this Master Gardeners group is something other University of Missouri Master Gardener groups could aspire too.  My husband and I as well as several other Hickory County Master Gardeners know all too well that when we get notice of events in this area, we will not be disappointed for making the long drive.

Included in the $18 registration was a large variety of foods for a Continental Breakfast before the program which began at 8:30.  Lunch was a lovely fresh salad, a pasta/chicken entree, fresh rolls and two cake choices.  Of course, there were door prizes from nine different sponsors!  There were a large number of plants and garden-related items that could be purchased.
The vendors that set up in the room included:

Art that Rocks - Marty Schmitt from Reeds Spring
Cedarbrook Garden Center - Melissa Pack from Branson West
The Flower Farm - Linda Lauer from Hollister
Hilltop Farm - Oscar and Amy Cross from Ash Grove

There were four topics:  Death by Chlorophyll, Straw Bale Gardening, Organic Weed Control, and Bulbs for Fall Planting.

Death by Chlorophyll 
Oscar Cross from Hilltop Gardens from Ash Grove presented his topic in a humorous twist on an otherwise deadly subject.  He provided full color handouts on 32 different plants talking about how they all can have an interesting place in our gardens but warned "Don't eat them!" along with what would happen if they were consumed.  Many were obvious such as poison ivy, dieffenbachia, Jimson weed, some mushrooms, castor beans, morning glories and poppies.  In some phases of growth, some less known as dangerous plants can make you sick or worse, such as celery, mango, cashew, peace lily, rhubarb, hyacinth, tulip, daffodil, and raw kidney beans.

Straw Bale Gardening
Mark and Renae Bernskoetter are Master Gardeners from Springfield who presented another less known option to garden when the ground is not suitable because of soil conditions or too many rocks.  The slide show had a variety of ways to set up raised gardens using up to eight bales with and without composted soil.  Keeping the banded side outward, a small portion of the straw is removed to place a plant on top or the bales can be arranged so that composted soil and the plants are in between.  As the bales break down, more bales will be added each year and eventually a nice composted raised garden area is produced naturally.  The challenges are mostly with extra watering and fertilizer that would be needed compared to non-raised beds.

Organic Weed Control
Kelly McGowan, Horticulture Educator, University of Missouri Extension/Friends of the Garden, Springfield, had a detailed power point presentation that included weed biology and management choices.  Most of the "organic" methods were obvious such as prevention, using flame weeding, drip irrigation, grazing animals, weed suppressive cover crops, soil solarization (cover area with plastic), and  mulching.  Organic Herbicides containing acetic acid (vinegar) and citric acid along with corn gluten meal as a pre-emergent were the only options provided.  She also said that the University of Missouri Extension continues to study, but can not recommend, the old standby recipe of vinegar, salt, and dish detergent so many of us organic gardeners have been using for years with some success.

Bulbs for Fall Planting
Patrick Byers, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Springfield, presented detailed information about all kinds of bulbs and bulb-like plants.

Not only did I come away from this workshop more knowledgeable but also inspired to use the information throughout my gardens, when needed.  I also won the "Table Prize" because my birthday was the closest to the current date and I walked out with a huge Bleeding Heart perennial that was our table decoration!  As we were leaving I noticed one of our table members had purchased an American Beauty Berry Bush from one of the vendors during one of the breaks.  It was something I had been wanting for a couple years and was happy to find that the vendor had one left and for only $10!  So after a couple hours drive back home, my husband and I found new happy places for our new plant family members.  So now every Fall I will think about this wonderful workshop when I enjoy the bright purple berries of my American Beauty Berry Bush!

American Beauty Berry - Early Amethyst - Callicarpa dichotomy

Sources:  Beti Pearson, Hickory County Master Gardener and Missouri Master Naturalist and
                Master Gardeners of the Ozarks and MU Extension

Posted: 10/11/2014

Floral Workshop and Annual Picnic

Creativity and Camaraderie 

Hickory County Master Gardeners got together for a couple events this week for members and their guests.  A floral workshop was informative and allowed member's creativity for floral arrangements guided by the owner of Gynemia's Floral and Gift located on Hwy 54 in Wheatland, Missouri.  The workshop took place at the Hickory County Extension Office in Hermitage, Missouri.

Members brought a variety of containers from home and in a short time they were turned into beautiful floral arrangements.  Of course, there's always delicious snacks and drinks available and time to share conversations with fellow members.

The Annual Picnic this year took place at the picnic area located next the to the Army Corp of Engineers Office building located at the Pomme de Terre Dam.  It is a wonderful scenic view overlooking both the lake and the outlet area.  As in the previous year, the picnic was combined with the Hickory County University of Missouri Extension Council members and Hickory County Master Gardener members and their families.

The food table was extensively loaded with all kinds of homemade goodies provided by the Master Gardeners.  The Extension Board members provided ham and also grilled hotdogs as well as all the service and drinks.  Both groups gathered briefly for their monthly meetings.  Awards were presented to two Hickory County Century Farm families.  It was a good time to renew friendships and see all the active people behind the scenes of The University of Missouri Extension
Council in Hickory County .

     New M.U. Extension Agronomy Specialist for Hickory County,
Terry Halleran, from Stratford, MO

Source:  Beti Pearson, Hickory County Master Gardener and Missouri Master Naturalist
Posted: 10/3/2014